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You may have wished that the testimonies of those who walked and lived with Jesus Christ could have been preserved by modern audio or video techniques. It would have offered you a greater appreciation of the miracles, the healing of the sick and the word of knowledge disclosing the things that only God Himself could have known such as we read about in the scriptures. However, the Bible promised those blessings would be restored before the Lord returns and the William Branham Storehouse Collection will allow you can see and hear from people who were privileged to unmistakably witness the hand of God with their own eyes in our day.
William Branham was not Jesus Christ, but Christ worked through him doing the same and even more than He did when He was on earth in a corporal body. Expect to be blessed and amazed. Discover that what God did during the campaign services was but a minor part of the blessings bestowed upon those who had dealings with this man of God.