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©  Copyright 2010-23 The Midnight Cry  All rights reserved







- continued

Message Books (all photographs included)

14 Message Books by William Branham (text only)
A Man Sent From God
A Prophet Visits South Africa
An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages
As the Eagle Stirreth Her Nest
Beyond the Curtain of Time
Divine Healing in the Branham Campaigns
Do You Fear Cancer
Foot Prints On The Sands Of Time
God so loved the World!
How God Called Me to Africa and other Sermons
I Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly Vision
Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever
Memorial Service
One Man in the Hands of God
Personal Testimony of the Coming of the Gift
The Acts of The Prophet
The Eleventh Commandment
The Laodicean Church Age
The Revelation of the Seven Seals
The Supernatural Gospel
Twentieth Century Prophet

Complimentary Books

Annals of the World - Bishop James Ussher
Azusa Street - Pictorial Account
Azusa Street - How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles - Bartleman
Azusa Street Revival Beginnings
Dispensational Truth - Clarence Larkin
Doctor Martin Luther - 95 Theses
Doctor Martin Luther - An Open Letter to the Christian Nobility
Doctor Martin Luther - Concerning Christian Liberty
Doctor Martin Luther - The Babylonian Captivity of the Church
Earth's Eartliest Ages - GH Pember
Fifty Years in the Church of Rome - Charles Chiniquy
Fox's Book of Martyrs by John Foxe
History Of The Christian Church Vols. 1 - 8. - Rev Philip Schaff
How did It Happen? - Rachel C. Hazeltine
Our Faith and the Facts (Facts of Our Faith) - Rev C.F. Donovan
Prince Of The House Of David - Adina
The Glorious Reformation - Schmucker SS
Sunshine and Smiles - Buddy Robinson
The Bible History - Complete - Edersheim
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
The Early Church Fathers (Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Series 1 and 2)
The Glorious Reformation Vols. 1 - 3, - S S Schmucker 
The History Of Protestantism - Rev. James Wylie
The Sovereignty of God - Arthur Pink
The Two Babylon's - Rev Alexander Hislop
The Welsh Revival - W.T. Stead and G.C. Morgan
When the Fire Fell - George T.B. Davis. Accounts of Revival in Ireland and Wales


Believers News - Georgie Carters Healing
Believers News - John Ryan - A Hero of the Battle

Full Gospel Men's Voice Magazine -  Feb 1961. Beyond the Curtain of Time
Full Gospel Men's Voice Magazine -  Mar 1959  Brother Branham in Jamaica

Only Believe Magazine - Go Tell It On the Mountain
Only Believe Magazine - Memorial Issue
Only Believe Magazine - Music
Only Believe Magazine - Testimonies
Only Believe Magazine - The Lords Supper

Readers Digest Nov 1952  - The Miracle of Donny Morton
The Apostolic Faith Magazine - Issues 1 - 13 (Reporting the Azusa Street outpouring as It happened)

The Herald of Faith Magazine - February 1955. Brother Branham in India
The Herald of Faith Magazine - January 1954. An Open Letter defending Brother Branham

The Voice of Healing Magazine 1948 April - Coming of Gift and WMB in Northwest USA.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1951 April-May - Healing of Congressman Upshaw.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1951 Oct - Interview of WMB & Healing of Florence Nightingale.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 January - WMB in South Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 February - WMB in South Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 March - WMB in South Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 June - WMB Story Tested.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 July - WMB How God called me to Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 August - WMB in South Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1952 Dec - WMB sermon Watchman, What of the Night.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1953 January - Passing of Congressman Upshaw.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1953 Nov - WMB sermon The Days of the Restoration.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1953 December - FF Bosworth in South Africa.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 February - Interview with WMB.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 March - Interview with WMB and Africa trip.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 April - Interview with WMB.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 May - Interview with WMB.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 June - Len Jones report on Branham Meeting Part 1.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 July - Len Jones report on Branham Meeting Part 2.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 October - Interview with WMB.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 November - WMB vindicated after attack.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1954 December - First India Trip report.
The Voice of Healing Magazine 1966 Memorial Edition to William Branham
The Voice of Healing Magazine  Special Branham Overseas Scandinavian Edition
Plus 25 other back issues of the Voice of Healing Magazine